Death Stranding 2 cast, trailers & platforms

Death Stranding 2: On the Beach follows on from its predecessor by bringing Sam Porter Bridges and Fragile into a new environment, and we’ve got everything you need to stay up to date with the latest cast, trailers, platforms, and gameplay details.

The game is due out in 2025 and remains one of the most anticipated titles on the horizon. It looks like there are plenty of new areas to explore – each with its own accompanying challenges, and a whole host of oddities to uncover in this tar-infested apocalypse.

Who is in the Death Stranding 2 cast?

Image of Fragile lighting a cigarette in Death Stranding 2Click to enlarge

While we don’t know the full cast as of yet, and can only go off of what we have seen in the trailer, there are still some huge new and returning names that have been confirmed for Death Stranding 2 in the list below:

Norman ReedusSam Porter Bridges
Léa SeydouxFragile
Troy BakerHiggs Monaghan
Elle FanningUnknown
Shioli KutsunaUnknown
Kevin KoUnknown
George MillerUnknown
Fatih AkinUnknown/Puppet

As you can see, a few of the main returning players have been confirmed alongside a handful of new faces that should bring further excitement to the game.

There has been a lot of speculation surrounding the character that Elle Fanning is going to play, with many players inferring that she is the grown-up version of Lou – Sam’s Bridge Baby from the first game – but that remains just speculation at this current point in time.

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Are there any Death Stranding 2 trailers?

The first trailer for Death Stranding 2 was shown at The Game Awards 2022. It is a mostly cinematic trailer, but that will be no surprise to fans of Kojima Productions games.

It largely focuses on Fragile, but shows glimpses of an older, grey-haired Sam and also the return of Higgs. There isn’t too much we can take for this initial trailer, but the world appears to have been plunged into new dangers, and time seems to have advanced too.

In no surprise to fans, the next trailer was somewhat of a spectacle, premiering at the January 2024 State of Play and coming in at 9 minutes and 41 seconds.

There is so much to explore within the trailer, as you can probably imagine from its length alone, but it largely continues to explore the relationship between Sam and Fragile, with appearances from additional characters played by Elle Fanning, George Miller, and Fatih Akin, alongside a return from antagonist Higgs.

We get a glimpse at some of the spectacular landscapes that Sam will be walking through, from vast deserts to what even looks like another planet. New dangers await as well, with a brief look at active and stealth combat, in addition to a few new environmental dangers.

Image of Higgs fighting a robot in Death Stranding 2Click to enlarge

One particular highlight of the trailer was a fight scene between Higgs and a robotic create that is reminiscent of the iconic battle between Raiden and Vamp in Metal Gear Solid IV, but overall it was a spectacular trailer and only further cemented that Death Stranding 2: On the Beach is one of my most anticipated games.

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Death Stranding 2 gameplay details

The gameplay in Death Stranding 2: On the Beach looks largely similar to the first title if the State of Play trailer is anything to go by, with a mix of walking and combat sequences that accompany extensive cinematics.

If you’ve not played Death Stranding before, the game is largely comprised of walking across large and dangerous landscapes, with deliberate movement mechanics that mean that every step has to be accounted for.

Image of Sam standing in view of the moon in Death Stranding 2Click to enlarge

Furthermore, a big part of the game that will almost definitely continue here is the ‘strand’ mechanics, where fragments of other players’ worlds are ‘sent’ to yours to help you traverse the landscape, like bridges, ropes, and shelters.

There are vehicles that you can also employ to make the journey a lot easier, and the trailers have shown off a couple of new modes of transportation for Sam to try out.

On the flip side, there are also physical dangers that you will either have to work your way around or face head-on throughout the world. You’ll have access to various guns and weapons to defend yourself and your cargo, but sometimes you’ll have to move through areas stealthily to avoid detection.

It also looks as if the B.T.-based boss battles are back, with one giant hand in particular shown as a major threat in the State of Play trailer.

Image of a hand shaped boss in Death Stranding 2Click to enlarge

Do we know the Death Stranding 2 platforms?

The only platform that has been confirmed so far for Death Stranding 2 is the PlayStation 5, and this could very well be the only platform that the game releases on – at least initially.

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Death Stranding was a PlayStation 4 exclusive at launch that made its way to PC shortly after, and then Xbox eventually after that too. This could be the same for the sequel too, with a staggered release platform that sees only PlayStation players get the game at launch.

Furthermore, it is likely that it also remains a current-gen exclusive and doesn’t make its way to the PlayStation 4 due to the graphical horsepower that the PlayStation 5 inhabits.

So, that’s everything you need to know about Death Stranding 2, going over the cast, trailers, platforms, and more to keep you up to date.

We’ll make sure to update this guide whenever any new information drops, too, so check back regularly to stay in the loop.

Make sure to check out our releases homepage to stay on track with the biggest upcoming games, like Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake and Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree.

Categories: Gaming

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