Customize MS Outlook Navigation, Reading and To-Do Panes

I love using MS Outlook and one of my favorite reasons is that it holds all my email under a single cell and in an organized way. This saves me time opening separate email accounts.

Besides, I can customize almost anything to what I need and how I want that behavior. Things like creating email filter rules and configuring desktop alerts help me stay on top of my emails. Don’t forget, it also allows me to customize the entire interface for better productivity.

Outlook interface

Counting from left (in the image above), I activated the Navigation Pane, Message Pane, Reading Pane, and To-Do Bar. Well, you might not need all of them or all the elements inside of them. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to change the view.

Note: You can remove or disable all panes except the Notification Pane because the tool makes no sense without that.

There is a quick and collective way (with advanced options) to customize these panels. We will consider both. In a quick way you can navigate to See and select the pane that you want to customize.

For the Navigation Pane, you can minimize it or turn it off. And you can also turn it on/off Current view pane And Favorites folder.

Navigation Pane Options

For the To-Do Bar, you have options to minimize or disable it. Besides, you can choose which basic objects you want to keep in it.

To do the bar option

As for the Reading pane, you can choose its position on the interface or turn it off completely.

Activate the reading pane

Let’s move on to another way to customize features with some more advanced options and capabilities. This time navigate to Tools -> Options -> More. Under the section for Outlook Pane you can click any button and select a pane to change the setting.

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Outlook Tools More Options

For the Navigation Pane, you’ll find that you can toggle the position (moving up or down relative to) of the elements in addition to being able to delete/enable them.

Customize the Navigation Pane

For the To-Do Bar, you will have additional options to set the number of months to show and set the number of appointments to appear.

Custom bar to do

For the Reading pane, you can choose how and when to mark messages as read. You can also enable or disable one-key reading by using the spacebar.

Customize the reading pane


I generally love tools that let me configure things my way. And MS Outlook is a masterpiece in allowing users to set up almost anything. Am I right? ????

Categories: How to

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