Best counters to beat Sierra in Pokemon GO (October 2023)

As expected with Team Rocket Leaders in the game, more trainers have been searching for the best Sierra counters in Pokemon GO in order to beat her latest line-up. Just as difficult as her fellow leaders, Arlo and Cliff, defeating this cunning opponent takes the ideal team with the winning movesets and strategies to back it all up. 

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the best Pokemon GO Sierra counters in September 2023 – along with covering her newest line-up and the ideal move sets for your team in the game.

How to find Sierra in Pokemon GO

The Rocket Radar which is needed to find Sierra in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

Of course, you won’t be able to beat Sierra with the below list of best counters if you don’t know where to find her first – which you can only do by defeating six Rocket Grunts and using the Mysterious Component from each to form a Rocket Radar. 

Using the Rocket Radar will direct you to the location of a Rocket Leader. The radar won’t tell you which Leader is highlighted, making it a one-in-three chance of being Sierra. 

Which Pokemon does Sierra use?

Some of the Pokemon you'll need to defeat when learning how to beat Sierra in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

In order to beat Sierra with the best counters possible in Pokemon GO, you’ll need to know which Pokemon the Team Rocket Leader uses first. To add an extra level of challenge, the latter two of Sierra’s three Shadow Pokemon shift between three different options randomly. 

So, to start, here are the Shadow Pokemon Sierra can use: 

Shadow Pokemon #1Shadow Pokemon #2Shadow Pokemon #3
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Best counters to beat Sierra’s Geodude

Sierra's Geodude which you'll need to beat in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

Being a base form Ground-and-Rock type, beating Sierra’s Geodude is very straightforward with a ton of weaknesses to make quick work of.

Ideally, Water and Grass types are the way to go, since attacks of those types deal 256% super-effective damage – compared to 160% by others like Fighting and Steel. Water types are best if Sierra uses Steelix as her second Pokemon, making your first party member far more efficient.

For example, here are some of the ideal Sierra counters you can use against Shadow Geodude along with their move sets. 

Shadow Geodude counterFast MoveCharge Move
SwampertWater GunHydro Cannon/Surf
Vaporeon Water GunHydro Pump
RoseradeRazor LeafSolar Beam
VenasaurRazor LeafSolar Beam
Tapu FiniWater GunMoonblast

Best counters to beat Sierra’s second Pokemon

Sierra's Steelix, Gardvoir, and Sableye in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

With Steelix, Gardevoir, and Sabeleye having such a variety of types between them, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to the best counters to beat the second Pokemon, but you can battle the Team Rocket leader as many times as needed to switch to the ideal counter. 

Best Steelix counters

As Steelix is also weak to Water-type attacks along with Fire, Ground, and Fighting, carrying over your Water-type Geodude counters like Swampert and Vaporeon would work amazingly. 

CounterFast MoveCharge Move
SwampertWater GunHydro Cannon/Surf
Vaporeon Water GunHydro Pump
RhyperiorMud SlapEarthquake
TerrakionDouble KickEarthquake
HeatranFire SpinMagma Storm

Best Gardevoir counters

With its peculiar mix of Psychic and Fairy typing, Gardevoir is weak to Ghost, Dark, and Poison-type moves. However, there is also crossover with some of the best counters to Sierra’s other Pokemon to make your loadout extra efficient.

CounterFast MoveCharge Move
MetagrossBullet PunchFlash Cannon
ChandelureHexShadow Ball
NihilegoPoison JabSludge Bomb
RoseradePoison JabSludge Bomb
HeatranFire SpinIron Head
DusclopsPoltergeistGunk Shot
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Best Sableye counters

Sabelye may be the most troublesome to counter amongst Sierra’s Pokemon as it’s only weak against Fairy-type attacks. Nevertheless, there are still some excellent contenders to choose from against some of the Rocket Leader’s other Pokemon depending on which moveset you use.

CounterFast MoveCharge Move
SylveonCharmDazzling Gleam
TogekissCharmDazzling Gleam
RoseradeMagical LeafDazzling Gleam
Tapu KokoVolt SwitchDazzling Gleam
Tapu FiniWater GunMoonblast
GardevoirCharmDazzling Gleam

Best counters to beat Sierra’s third Pokemon

Gyarados, Houndoom, and Victreebel, of which you'll need to use the best counters on to beat Sierra in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

When it comes to beating Sierra’s third Pokemon in Pokemon GO, the variety of types amongst Gyarados, Houndoom, and Victreebell make for a similar situation to that of the second – needing different counters for each. 

Best Gyarados counters

The best Pokemon to beat Sierra’s Gyarados are Electric-types, which deal 256% super-effective damage, far higher than the 160% dealt by Rock-types. Still, Rock-types can be an ideal choice if you want coverage for Houndoom in your line-up as well.

CounterFast MoveCharge Move
ElectivireThunder ShockThunder
Golem (Alolan) Volt SwitchWild Charge
Tapu KokoVolt SwitchThunderbolt
RhyperiorSmack DownRock Wrecker
MagnezoneVolt SwitchWild Charge
ZekromCharge BeamWild Charge

Best Houndoom counters

Along with using a Rock-type against Houndoom – being 160% super-effective against the Houndour evolution, you can also rely on Fighting, Ground, and Water-type moves. Moreover, the latter also means a Water-type used against Geodude or Steelix could be carried over as well. 

CounterFast MoveCharge Move
SwampertWater GunHydro Cannon/Surf
Golem (Alolan) Rock ThrowStone Edge
TerrakionDouble KickSacred Sword
Rhyperior Smack DownRock Wrecker
ConkeldurrCounterDynamic Punch

Best Victreebell counters

Victreebel has a totally different but just as broad range of weaknesses to exploit: Fire, Flying, Ice, and Psychic-type attacks, all dealing 160% super-effective damage. 

With even some of the most powerful legendaries being amongst the Fire-type, you won’t be short on options.

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CounterFast MoveCharge Move
HeatranFire SpinMagma Storm
CharizardFire SpinOverheat
Darmanitan (Galarian)Ice FangAvalanche
MoltresFire SpinOverheat
ReshiramFire FangFusion Flare
DarmantianFire FangOverheat

Best team of counters to beat Sierra in Pokemon GO

Tapu Fini, Rhyperior, and Heatran - the best team of counters to beat Sierra in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

If you’re looking for the most perfectly balanced team to beat Sierra in Pokemon GO, you can find the best line-up of counters detailed below. As long as you’re battling Sierra at the same PokeStop encounter, you’ll be able to switch out your team with the ideal counters to fit whichever line-up she chooses for her latter two Pokemon. 

However, if you’re like me and don’t always have time for trial and error, I’ve found this is the most balanced set of counters with enough type coverage in their move sets to be effective against as many of Sierra’s potential Pokemon as possible in one go. 

Best counterFast MoveCharge Move
Tapu FiniWater GunMoonblast
HeatranFire SpinIron Head
RhyperiorMud SlapEarthquake

That’s everything you need to know about how to beat Sierra in Pokemon GO with the best counters in September 2023.

Whilst you’re here, you should find out what’s coming next from our interview on Pokemon GO’s future

be sure to also check out the Pokemon GO events schedule for the month. For even more Pokemon GO guides, you can be sure to find them right here at TRAN HUNG DAO School.         

Categories: Gaming

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