The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known for its welcoming attitude towards people from different cultures and religions, where they all live together in harmony. The UAE government is open-minded and supportive of all religions.

In Dubai, if you’re not Muslim and want your marriage to be legally recognized, you can have the wedding in a temple, church, or Sikh temple (called a gurdwara) and obtain approval from the Dubai Community Development Authority. If you’re from different religious backgrounds, you usually get married in your embassy or consulate.

The UAE allows people from different religions to marry each other, whether they are Emirati or foreigners. However, there may be some specific rules to follow, depending on your gender and situation.

What is Interfaith Marriage? 

Interfaith marriages, also known as mixed marriages, refer to unions between individuals of different faiths or religions. These marriages involve partners who may follow distinct religious beliefs, practices, or traditions. Interfaith marriages can present unique challenges and opportunities as couples navigate their differing religious backgrounds and values.

Are Interfaith Marriages allowed in Dubai? 

Interfaith marriages are allowed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and are registered more often than you might think. The UAE courts allow interfaith marriages to be registered, even if you are not a Muslim. However, there may be certain conditions that need to be met. Here are some general rules and legal requirements for interfaith marriages in the UAE:

For Legal Marriage in Dubai:

  • At least one of the parties must be a citizen or resident of Dubai.
  • Both engaged parties must be 18 lunar years old or older.
  • The parties or their legal representative must personally appear, and if a representative is involved, a Power of Attorney should be submitted. The concerned party should also provide their original ID to confirm their identity.
  • Male witnesses are required.
  • All documents must be submitted in digital format as PDFs. If the documents are from abroad, they must be translated into legal Arabic and stamped by the UAE Ministry of Justice. Additionally, they should be certified by official authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the relevant country, the UAE embassy in that country, and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
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For Civil Marriage in Dubai:

  • At least one of the parties must be a resident of Dubai.
  • Both engaged parties must be 21 years old or older.
  • The parties or their legal representative must personally appear, and if a representative is involved, a Power of Attorney should be submitted. The concerned party should also provide their original ID to confirm their identity.
  • Similar to legal marriage, all documents must be submitted in digital format as PDFs. If the documents are from abroad, they must be translated into legal Arabic and stamped by the UAE Ministry of Justice. Additionally, they should be certified by official authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the relevant country, the UAE embassy in that country, and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

It is important to note that the rules and processes may vary depending on the nationality and religion of the bride and groom. For non-Muslims, interfaith marriages are usually performed in their respective embassies or religious places. The Community Development Authority of Dubai recognizes non-Muslim marriages performed in temples, churches, and gurdwaras (Sikh) if they have received approval.

Are Non-Muslim Interfaith Marriages allowed?

 Dubai and the UAE in general do allow interfaith marriages for non-Muslims. Such marriages are often registered in the respective embassies or religious institutions of the bride or groom’s faith. Expatriates from different religious backgrounds can marry in Dubai, and the UAE’s marriage laws generally respect and accommodate these unions.

Is it allowed for Muslim individuals to marry non-Muslim partners in interfaith marriages within the UAE?

  • For Muslim individuals in Dubai, the situation can be more complex. According to Islamic law, Muslim men are allowed to marry women from “People of the Book” religions, which include Christianity and Judaism, without requiring the woman to convert to Islam. However, if a Muslim man wishes to marry a woman from a faith outside these categories, she may need to convert to Islam for the marriage to be recognized under Islamic law.
  • On the other hand, Muslim women in Dubai generally cannot marry non-Muslim men unless the man converts to Islam. This restriction is rooted in Islamic jurisprudence.
  • Marriage ceremonies between Muslim couples in Dubai are typically conducted by the Personal Status Court and are governed by personal status law.
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It’s important to note that marriage laws and regulations can change, and they may vary depending on the emirate within the UAE. Individuals considering interfaith marriages in Dubai should seek guidance from their respective embassies, consult with legal experts, and familiarize themselves with the current laws and procedures to ensure their union is legally recognized and complies with local regulations.

Legal Requirements for Civil Marriage in the UAE 

To get married in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), certain requirements and procedures must be followed. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Age Requirement: Both parties should be at least 18 years old.
  2. No Relationship: There should be no blood relationship between the bride and groom.
  3. Presence of Guardian: The bride’s father or closest relative must be present.
  4. Witnesses: Two witnesses should be present.
  5. Identity Proof: Identity proof of the bride, groom, witnesses, and guardians must be presented.

It is important to note that a residency or residence visa is not mandatory to get married in the UAE. Even a person on a tourist or visit visa can apply for marriage.

For more detailed information and guidance, it is advisable to consult with a marriage lawyer in the UAE before submitting your marriage application to the courts.

If you are looking to register an interfaith marriage in the UAE, Dubai Court Marriage is here for you. Marriage lawyers at Dubai Court Marriage in the UAE can assist with interfaith marriages by providing legal guidance, helping with paperwork, liaising with embassies, resolving conflicts, offering customized advice, representing clients in court, and addressing post-marriage legal matters. Their expertise ensures a smoother and legally compliant marriage process for couples with different religious backgrounds.

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