All Pumpkaboo sizes & differences in Pokemon GO explained

Trainers, if you’re trying to complete the Collection Challenge in Pokemon GO, you’ll need what the difference between Pumpkaboo sizes is, as well as how to tell what size the Pumpkin Pokemon is. 

Being part of events like the Harvest Festival, Pumpkaboo sizes are the most interesting part of the Pocket Monster being added to Pokemon GO – and is the first to be affected by the size mechanic alongside its evolution, Gourgeist. 

So, let’s explain all of the Pumpkaboo sizes and the differences between each of them in Pokemon GO. 

How to tell Pumpkaboo size in Pokemon GO

All Pokemon GO Pumkaboo sizes and Gourgeist sizes in the gameClick to enlarge

You’ll be able to tell the size of a Pumpkaboo and its evolution, Gourgeist, in Pokemon GO simply by looking at its sprite and comparing it to the above diagram, showing all sizes from “Small Size” to “Super Size”.

This was initially provided by Niantic in October 2021 as part of their post for the Halloween event in which the two were debuted. 

However, you’ll also be able to tell the size in each Pumpaboo’s summary page, which can have indicators under the “Height” tab with markers like “XS” for extra small or “XL” for extra large.

If your objective is to complete the Harvest Festival Collection Challenge for Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist, you’ll know you’ve caught or evolved one of a certain size by going to the Challenge’s Special Research section and seeing which sized silhouette has been filled in. 

Pumpkaboo & Gourgeist size differences explained

A Pumpkaboo of average size on the cover art for the Harvest Festival Collection Challenge in Pokemon GOClick to enlarge

As for in-game benefits, the difference between the sizes of Pumpakoo and Gourgeist size in Pokemon GO will be their stats, affecting their Attack, Defense, and Stamina. 

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Revealed in a post by PokeMiners, a dataminer group on Twitter, the different Pumpkaboo stats which are affected by its size in Pokemon GO are as follows: 

Pumpkaboo sizeAttack statDefense statStamina stat

From the same post, the stats for the size of every Gourgeist in Pokemon GO are as follows: 

Gourgeist sizeAttack statDefense statStamina stat

So, that’s everything you need to know about Pumpkaboo sizes and their differences in Pokemon GO. 

If you’re looking for more to play, have a look at some of the titles from the best games like Pokemon GO. Alternatively, for even more essentials, check out our Pokemon GO guides & news homepage right here at TRAN HUNG DAO School. 

Categories: Gaming

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