All parts, modules & ship types explained

With Starfield’s release around the corner, we know more about the ships found in the RPG than ever, so you’ll want to learn about the parts and modules used to build them alongside the various ship types available to buy.

What’s a space-faring adventure without a spaceship to match? Not much, and Bethesda Game Studios seems to agree, as one of the main parts of Starfield involves piloting your ship from planet to planet. In addition, the game gives you tonnes of customisation options to make your ship even more unique to you and another character you’ll get to know along your journey.

So, if you can’t wait to dive into the latest sci-fi RPG, check out everything we know about Starfield ships so far.

Starfield ships explained

a small ship in StarfieldClick to enlarge

Starfield ships are just spaceships that you can fly from planet to planet during your adventure through the Settled Systems. 

All ships are made up of individual modules and parts that can be customised, affecting the stats of a ship and how they look on the inside. For example, you could add a module that gives you a crafting bench on the ship, and then locate it inside the ship when moving around freely. 

the ship customisation screen in StarfieldClick to enlarge

The main stats for a ship are:

  • Fuel – Governs how far you can travel before needing a refill
  • Hull – Essentially the ship’s health
  • Cargo – The carrying capacity for the ship

There are other aspects such as the jump speed, crew capacity, ammo for weapon systems, and more, but we’ll verify and add these once the game has been released.

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While your Starfield ship is your main mode of transport for getting to different planets and systems, it can also be used for ship-to-ship combat in outer space – but the types of weapons and fighting style you’ll employ are down to you and how you customise the ship.

All Starfield ship parts & modules

an image of all the customisable ship parts in StarfieldClick to enlarge

When customising or upgrading a Starfield ship, there are 13 different ship parts you can alter with new modules. These are:

  • Cowling
  • Shield Generator
  • Docker
  • Fuel Tanks
  • Grav Drive
  • Weapons
  • Hab
  • Engines
  • Cockpit
  • Cargo Hold
  • Reactor
  • Bay
  • Landing Gears

The modules you can use when changing or upgrading parts are dictated by your Starship Design skill, as each rank of this skill allows for better modules to be used.

All Starfield ships so far

a large ship in StarfieldClick to enlarge

There are a number of ships in Starfield that players can purchase and then customise further. Here is the list of those we know about so far:

  • Frontier
  • Longsword I
  • Privateer
  • Mako
  • Ranger
  • Crimson Fleet Ghost
  • Crimson Fleet Haunt I
  • Celestial II
  • Dragonfire II
  • Slipstream II
  • Voyager II
  • Marathon

We also know some ships have different classifications, with the Piloting skill unlocking the ability to pilot Class B or Class C ships. 

We’re not sure what class the ships above belong to, but we assume higher-class ships are larger, have more features, and cost more. 

As we learn more about these ships in Starfield, we’ll update you here with all the details you need to know.

That’s all for our coverage of Starfield ships, and now you know a little more about them, such as their function in the game, the parts and modules you can use to build them, and the ship types you can buy.

For more Starfield guides, stick with TRAN HUNG DAO School. Alternatively, check out the Starfield factions & groups to learn about who controls the Settled Systems.

Categories: Gaming

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