All Concord characters & abilities explained

PlayStation’s latest multiplayer shooter, Concord, is in the hands of players, and we’re able to get to grips with the 16 characters that you can play as.

Each of them has their own unique combat abilities, weapons, and even different sizes and health pools which drastically change how they feel to play.

When first starting, it’s worth experimenting to find a few heroes that you enjoy in each category, as you’ll get the most out of switching between them mid-match thanks to their Crew Bonuses.

Let’s go through each character you can play right now so you can get a feel for which ones might suit your playstyle best.


Anchor characters are your typical Tank-type heroes, who have much a much larger stature and bigger health pools to match.

These heroes move much more slowly than other characters, and their abilities usually involve mitigating damage with shields rather than dealing it out themselves.

All Anchor characters provide the ‘increased healing received’ Crew Bonus.


1-Off in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitTrash Dispenser – More Trash Bombs with higher damage
Primary WeaponCC-1899 Industrial Vacuum
Secondary WeaponPressure Blaster
Ability 1Air Barrier – Place a projectile-deflecting cylinder of air. Gain charges by filling your Industrial Vacuum
Ability 2Trash Bomb – Bouncing, exploding projectile of compressed trash. Gain charges by filling gour Industrial Vacuum
Movement StyleSingle Jump
Passive AbilityIncoming body damage is reduced


Emari in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitSynergy Shield – Destroying Projectile Shield while active grants Armor
Primary WeaponRotary Scrap Cannon
Ability 1Armor Generator – Generates an area that grants allies Armor. Stacks over time
Ability 2Projectile Shield – Destructible barrier that blocks incoming projectiles
Movement StyleSingle Jump
Passive AbilityTough as Nails – Incoming body damage is reduced


Breacher characters are a middle-way between your traditional tank role and damage dealers. They have relatively large statures and a decent amount of health but have far more powerful offensive weapons and abilities compared to their Anchor counterparts.

These heroes are best suited to players who like to have a bit more health to play with but still want to be on the front lines of fights.

All Breacher characters provide the ‘faster dodge cooldown’ Crew Bonus.


Daveers in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitResistant Dodge – Dodging grants damage resistance for a brief period
Primary WeaponMK 5 Burnite Grenade Launcher
Ability 1Ignition Dart – Fire damage dart that ignores Burnite pools on contact
Ability 2Burnite Canister – Splashes self-igniting Burnite pools across an area
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive AbilityVolatile Chemicals – Burnite pools can be ignited by fire damage from allies
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Star-Child in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitDiamond Dodge – Gain short burst of Diamond Skin while dodging
Primary WeaponSkullbreaker Shotgun
Ability 1Rage Rush – Charge forward with the protection of Diamond Skin
Ability 2Power Slam – Slam the ground for an area damage melee attack
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive Ability

Diamond Skin – Grants Armor while Rage Rush or Power Slam is active.

Berserker – Kills refresh all ability energy.


Haunt characters are extremely focused on movement abilities, with triple jumps and jetpacks all thrown into the mix. They don’t have a huge amount of damage potential, but if you manage to reach the relatively high skill ceiling, they can be devastating in the right hands.

Just watch out for their smaller health pools, as these heroes can be a little squishy against certain opponents.

All Haunt characters provide the ‘improved mobility’ Crew Bonus.


Bazz in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitSkillful Tracker – While crouching, track nearby enemies through walls
Primary WeaponCarbon Steel throwing knives
Ability 1Lunging Strike – Lunge towards enemies with a deadly melee strike
Ability 2Scourge Star – Thrown item that applies the Vulnerable debuff to an enemy, increasing damage dealt to them
Movement StyleDouble Jump, Triple Dodge, Boosted Slide Jump
Passive AbilityBeacon Blades – Hitting an enemy with a throwing knife will track them for a short duration.


It-Z in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitEvasive Maneuvers – Mobility increases when at low health
Primary WeaponEL/120 Electrostatic SMG
Ability 1Cosmic Slip – Tosses a sphere of energy. On secondary activation, It-Z will move instantly to the orb’s location
Ability 2Scramble Rebound – Throws chaos energy that will disrupt the enemy’s weapon. On contact, it returns to It-Z and supercharges her weapon
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive AbilityMirror Image – Dodging or using Cosmic Slip leaves behind a decoy


Roka in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitHover Targeting – Target lock is faster while Hover Thrusters are active
Primary WeaponSAL-90 Light Missile Launcher
Ability 1Hover Thrusters – Activate in air to hover in place. Cancel with secondary activation
Ability 2Blast Dive – Blast to the ground and deal damage in an area on impact
Movement StyleTriple jump, Air Dodge
Passive Ability

Explosive Jump – Blasts a damaging explosion on double and triple jump.

Missle Lock – Aiming down sights will target-lock on an enemy.


Ranger characters fulfil a more typical damage-type role, with traditional rifles and SMGs as primary weapons. Their abilities range from hero to hero but mostly revolve around dealing damage to enemies or providing useful utility for your team.

All Ranger characters provide the ‘improved weapon recoil’ Crew Bonus.


Duchess in ConcordClick to enlarge

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Combat TraitDodge Reload – Reloads weapon during dodge
Primary WeaponBA02 Submachine Gun
Ability 1Construct Wall – Creates a wall that blocks sight and enemy movement
Ability 2Ruinous Blast – Projects an area that implodes after a delay. Enemies in the blast take damage and become vulnerable
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive AbilityAustorium Resistance – No self-damage from personal blasts


Jabali in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitPulse Radius – The healing aura from Life Pulse has an increased radius
Primary WeaponPulse-Guided Seeker Rifle
Ability 1Life Pulse – Thrown orb that creates a healing aura around an ally when absorbed
Ability 2Hunter Orb – Offensive orb that seeks out and damages enemies
Movement StyleTriple Jump
Passive AbilityLife Cycle – Eliminations or Hunter Orb hits recharge Life Pulse


Teo in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitRapid Reposition – Increased mobility for a brief duration after dodge
Primary WeaponZEG-12 Guild Gard Rifle
Secondary WeaponCL ROC 99 Guild Guard Sidearm
Ability 1Smoke Grenade – Detonates in a cloud of smoke that blocks sight
Ability 2Cluster Grenade – Frag grenade that scatters secondary explosives in a tight area
Movement StyleDouble jump, double dodge
Passive AbilityTactical Weapon Sights – Can see enemies through smoke while aiming down sights


The main playstyle for Tactician freegunners is to be as much of a nuisance to the enemy team as possible. From placing down traps and healing items to gaining intel on opponent locations, these heroes are perfect for players who want to sit a little further back from the frontlines.

All Tactician characters provide the ‘faster reload speed’ Crew Bonus.


Daw in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitIntensive Care – Healing Pads have a larger pool of available health before deactivating
Primary Weapon.320 Sanctuary Burst Rifle
Ability 1Healing Pad – Drops a healing device that heals nearby allies’ health
Ability 2Safety Dome – Creates a durable protective dome that blocks projectiles
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive AbilitySecond Wind – Heals a small amount during dodge


Kyps in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitMarked Target – Damaging an enemy from stealth reveals them to your team and resets your dodge. This trait has a cooldown period
Primary WeaponSilenced Burst Pistol
Ability 1Surveillance Trap – Trap that reveals enemies when triggered. Persists between rounds. Can be harvested for ability charges after activation
Ability 2Disruption Grenade – Disrupts enemy abilities and damages shields. Throwing this will reset your dodge cooldown
Movement StyleDouble Jump

Passive Ability

Active Stealth – Dodging activates stealth for a limited duration

Lookout – When defeated, your assailant will be revealed to your team


Lark in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitNatural Dexterity – Faster reload while in a spore area
Primary WeaponRazorpod Launcher
Ability 1Transplant Pod – Drops a pod that Lark can return to on second activation
Ability 2Spore Seed – Drops a growing spore on the ground. Standing in the spore’s area grants haste and damage resistance to allies. Enemies are slowed and vulnerable
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive AbilityFungal Resistance – Damage resistance stacks with active spores on the map
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If you’re a Warden player, you likely enjoy playing as a lone wolf. Each of these characters possesses abilities that thrive in one-on-one fights, from self-healing abilities to full-on close-quarters flashbangs.

While Ranger characters can deal damage while in a group, Warden heroes possess a little more survivability.

All Warden characters provide the ‘longer weapon range’ Crew Bonus.


Haymar in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitHellfire – Extra Wall of Fire charges and reduced cooldown for Blinding Flash
Primary WeaponFlameshow Bow
Ability 1Blinding Flash – Projectile that blinds enemies near its explosion. Can be detonated manually with secondary activation
Ability 2Wall of Fire – Projectile that creates a wall of fire in the direction it was thrown
Movement StyleHover, air dodge
Passive AbilityFlameshot Charge – Aiming down sights for a short duration will overcharge the primed projectile


Lennox in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitReloads equipped weapon during dodge
Primary WeaponHL-4 “Bell Ringer” Heavy Handgun
Secondary WeaponChesterly Model 3 Revolver
Ability 1Exploding Knife – Throwing knife that explodes on impact
Ability 2Claxton Healing – Regenerates health over a brief duration
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive AbilityGunslinger – Emptying a weapon and quickly swapping to a new weapon will reload the stowed weapon


Vale in ConcordClick to enlarge

Combat TraitEnduring Aim – Aiming down sights with the Sniper Rifle grants Damage Resist
Primary WeaponMonarch “Long 52” Sniper Rifle
Secondary WeaponMonarch Sidearm
Ability 1Leap – Bionically enhanced vertical leap
Ability 2Trip Mine – Thrown mine that attaches to surfaces and detonates when triggered by an enemy
Movement StyleDouble Jump
Passive Ability

Peak Performance – Faster rifle handling on critical hit.

Critical Eye – Track low-health enemies through walls.

These are all the characters that are currently available in Concord. We will update this guide if any more are added as the game evolves.

Categories: Gaming

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