A Complete Guide to Using Sections in Google Forms

Usually, if you have several questions in your form, they will all appear on the same page to the user. And that would freak anyone out. To avoid such risk, you can divide your form into separate pages with the help of sections. Only when a person completes the first page can they move on to the next page or section, etc. Sections give your forms superpowers. Want to know how to use sections in Google Forms? We have covered that in detail in this post.

How to create and edit sections in Google forms on mobile and desktop

As a form creator, you can merge, duplicate, and move sections. You can even move questions between sections. Interestingly, you can modify the form so that a selected section is visible to some users, depending on their answers. Other people won’t be able to see those parts. With sections, you can divide your long forms into smaller sections that are easy for you to manage as well.

See how to create and edit sections in Google Forms on desktop and mobile (Android and iOS) with these tips.

Note: The steps are the same on PC and mobile devices unless otherwise mentioned.

How to create a section in Google Forms

To create a section on PC, open your form and click the Add Section icon (looks like two rectangular bars) on the floating panel of any question. A section will be added below the current section.

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On a mobile device, tap the question to which you want to add a section. Then tap the Add section icon from the bottom menu.

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Pro Tip: Learn how to create and edit Google Forms on mobile devices.

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As you can see in the screenshot, each section is numbered for easier identification. Only the owner of the form can see it. Additionally, the form has a title and description. Enter your title and description (optional) in the available boxes. Then add as many questions as you would do often.

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How to move sections in Google Forms

Once you’ve created a section, you may want to rearrange them. You don’t need to delete sections and recreate them. You can move them to their new location.

For that, click on the three-dot icon next to the section title and description on both mobile and PC. Select Move Section from the menu.

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A pop-up window will open. Use the arrows next to the section name to change the section’s position. Click the Save button. On PC, you can also change their position by dragging the icons to the left of the section name.

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How to merge sections in Google Forms

You can merge two sections into one on Google Forms. When you do, the questions from both sections will merge into one. You can only merge two parts at a time, and they must be close to each other. That is, you can merge parts 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc. You can’t merge parts 1 and 3. To merge parts 1 and 3, you will have to change the position of one of the parts (1 or 3) such that there is no other part between them.

To merge two sections on a computer or mobile device, click the ellipsis icon next to the section name and select Merge with above.

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After you do that, the title and description of the current section will be deleted. And all questions (from both sections) will use the title and description of the above section.

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Pro Tip: If you want to keep the title and description for your section, bring down the other section and tap Merge with above.

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How to duplicate a section in Google Forms

Sometimes, you may want to use questions from one section in another section of the same form. To do that, you don’t need to retype the questions. You can copy this section and keep or delete the questions according to your needs in the new section. When you copy a section, all content i.e. title, description, questions and answers is copied.

To make a copy of a section, click the section’s three-dot icon. Select the Duplicate section.

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A copy of the section will be added below the current section.

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How to collapse a section

As the owner of the form, when you edit the form, all the questions and sections will show up on one page. That can get a little intimidating and confusing. To make things easier, you can collapse a section to shrink the question and its answers. Later, if you want to change that section, you can open it again.

To collapse a section, click the two small arrows next to the section name.

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Click the same arrow again to expand the section. Alternatively, click once on a section title or any question to expand it.

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Pro Tip: Learn how to send Google Form responses to multiple emails.

How to move a question to another section

To move a question to another section, hover over the question (on PC) or tap the question (on mobile). You will see a six-dot icon in the top center area. Drag the question using that icon to its new section. You can even create a copy of the question using the Duplicate button and then move the copy to a new section.

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Pro Tip: Learn how to enter questions into Google Forms.

How to move multiple questions to another section

It is not necessary to create sections from scratch. You can add questions to a section until you complete your questionnaire. Once you’re done and have an idea of ​​​​how to frame your form, you can divide your question into sections.

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For that, click on the question where you want to start your section. When a floating menu appears next to the question, click the Add section heading. All questions below that question will come in a new section. Similarly, you can create more sections according to your needs.

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How to add conditional logic to Google Forms

Have you ever wished for a way that a user could select an answer and depending on that, could be taken to a specific section? Your wish has come true in Google Forms. You can change what users see when they click Next. We have detailed this tip in our guide. Check out how to create if this, then that logic in Google Forms using sections.

How to delete a section in Google Forms

When you delete an entire section, all questions in that section will also be deleted. To delete a section, click the three-dot icon next to the section’s name. Select Delete section from the menu.

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Undo changes

At any point, if you feel you’ve done something wrong with a part, you can undo your changes. On Windows, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z and use the keyboard shortcut Command + Z on Mac. Check out other helpful tips related to Google Forms.

Next: Do you want to allow users to upload files in your Google form? Learn from the next link how you can upload files to Google Forms.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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