5 Amazing Searchr Features to Improve Search on iPhone

Search title

Launchers have a completely different meaning on iOS than they do on Android. On Android, the home screen launcher lets you launch apps, specific shortcuts, toggles, etc. On iOS, the launcher is already associated with apps like Launch Center Pro or Drafts. They are not home screen replacements; instead, they provide specific options to get you somewhere faster and easier than the traditional way (opening a specific app and looking around for functions).

The problem with launchers on iOS is that they are paid apps. Launch Center Pro is $5 and Draft is $4. When you buy and start using them, you will realize that they are worth your money and then some. But there’s a large portion of the App Store world (in fact the majority) that choose or are forced to exist on free apps, even if they’re ad-supported.


Up until now, launcher widgets that are extremely powerful and can help you be more productive were limited to an elite few who buy paid apps. Now, however, the increase in productivity is in the hands of whoever has the power to drive it. Free of charge button, thanks to Searchr.

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What is Searchr and why should you use it?

Searchr is like a Spotlight search on steroids. There are two different things you can do with apps: conduct searches and launch custom/preconfigured actions.

The best way to describe search is a starting point. When you have something to save, share, or search for, go to Searchr and write it down. You’ll see a list of actions, search results from your phone, and the option to search through third-party apps/services.

Want to add a new contact? Great, go to Searchr and write it down. Want to record important details? Write it in Searchr and then send it to Evernote.

With a different perspective from launcher apps like Launch Center Pro, where you first select an action and then issue a command or enter text, Searchr takes the opposite path with its focus on search.

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Searchr is the starting point.

For this you will link to different services and enable the options you need. go Service tab and get started. For an overview, you can do things like send a piece of text or a sentence to various apps like Day One, Evernote, Clear, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When you need to search, you can do it with all of the services listed above, along with the App Store and cloud storage apps like Google Drive or Dropbox. There are also custom searches for sites (like Guide Technology) that you can specify.

Now let’s look at these topics in detail.

1. Speed ​​Search

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This is where the app gets its name so it has a lot to live for. Go Service->Search and scroll around. You will find all the major services and applications listed here.

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I’ll just list the important ones – App Store, Ebay, Fnd, Vimeo, Google, Google Maps, IMDB, Maps, Rdio, Reddit, Spotify, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Amazon, etc. want to show up in the search page and you’re done.

How does search work?

go search pane and enter the text you want to search. Now scroll down from the space above the keyboard and you will see all the options that you highlighted in Service windows are listed here. Click on the one you want and the search will be performed.

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You should note that some searches take you to a dedicated app while some open in the in-app browser. For example, searching in the App Store will directly take you to the App Store with Search the top of the page and your query has been uploaded. The same goes for Google Maps.

But searching in YouTube or Wikipedia will open your search in the in-app browser.

2. Action

Actions are what make Searchr a launcher widget. They are done the same way. You type in Search bar what you want is sent somewhere else. I admit that this is a bit confusing at first as it doesn’t sound like you’re actually looking. You can choose Work you want the same way you did in Search: by selecting one from the list below the search bar.

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Again, you have many different services to choose from. A trip to Service -> Work will let you know that you can send the string of text you just wrote as a new note in Evernote (or Simplenote), a new list in Clear, or post as a status to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, or Buffer. You can even send it as a message using apps like Gmail, Messages, WhatsApp or Line.

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Using Actions is a bit more complicated or even confusing if you’re just starting out. The lookup panel is too small for you to write anything long or important, even though it scrolls horizontally.

However, some Actions, especially those like posting to Facebook or Twitter, are extremely useful and actually faster than accessing individual apps. But for example, posting messages using WhatsApp does not. Because even after you enter the query you need to select the contact then press the . button Send self button. So using Searchr for this can actually be more difficult.

But luckily, most of the tools in Searchr are quite useful.

3. Search and download files from Dropbox and Google Drive

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Once you’ve linked your Dropbox and Google Drive accounts to Searchr, you’ll see search results from Dropbox on the same page as you would any other app. What makes Searchr better than going into dedicated apps is that you can perform functions like downloading files, deleting or renaming them all from the search results page. You can also share or open files in other apps using iOS 7’s share menu.

4. Custom Search

Custom Search allows you to search for sites that are not officially supported by Searchr. And setting up one of these is really easy. Just go to any website on your phone and search for something (email for example) Now, after the search is done, copy the URL.

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In Searchr, go to Service->Custom actionstouch + and paste it in the URL section. Now go to the end of the URL string and delete the keyword you searched for (in our case “email“). While holding the pointer there, tap Search button. This will insert search text action text.

What you did here is specify the URL for the search page and replace the keyword with the Searchr action. Now every time you search and tap this action, the app will replace the action keyword in brackets with your search query and you will be taken to Safari with all the search results uploaded . Finally, assign the custom search a name and icon of your choice – it’s that simple.

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If you don’t want to use copy and paste, you can also enter the URL manually. If you want to search for any of the countless WordPress-based sites, such as ours, just replace the site name and you can use the string below.


5. Organic Search

Just like Spotlight, Searchr lets you search for contacts, dictionaries, calendars, and reminders. Just be sure to select them under Service navigation.

My thoughts on Searchr

It’s important to remember that Searchr is a free app that is still at version 1.4 and developed by a passionate student developer. Yes, Searchr isn’t perfect and doesn’t have a lavish user interface, but it’s very powerful.

The biggest problem with Searchr is that it tries to do everything on one screen, even if everything doesn’t fit together. Another dashboard for Search And Work will go a long way. Because when you’re writing a note that you want to send to Evernote or post to Facebook, you really need more than that single line of text.

I’d say a half-page text input box greatly increases functionality and ease of use.

If you find yourself constantly switching from one app to another for small tasks and you feel as though you’re wasting time and energy dealing with different menus and unnecessary options, Please use Searchr. If you’re the weirdo type, you can take some time to customize Searchr the way you want.

However, make sure not to overdo it with options; only enable what you really want to use and don’t forget to check out custom search actions. Once paired, this app becomes incredibly useful.

Alternatively, you can pay $2.99 ​​to remove ads and help support the growth of Searchr.

Good luck with all your search needs!

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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