3 Tips to Protect Your Mac Against Spam in Mail


Here’s a simple truth: No matter where you are in life, the more you use your computer, the more emails you receive over time. And along with email (of course) comes spam and unsolicited messages. Now, if you are careful enough about the websites you visit and the people/services you give your email to, you won’t find much spam in your inbox. Even so, spam is a problem that no one with an email address can avoid.

Thankfully, with the latest release of OS X (Mountain Lion), Apple has provided several tools for Mac users to fight spam.

Let’s see how to use them.

Use your Mac’s built-in Spam Filter

While the Mail app’s built-in spam filter is usually enabled by default when you set up Mail, it’s always a good idea to double-check this setting. To do this, simply open Mail’s Preferences panel and click Spam navigation. Then make sure that Turn on spam filtering checkbox is selected.

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Then click Watching tab and find the option that says Display remote images in HTML messages. When you find it, unchecked checkbox next to it. The reason for this is that there are spammers who embed web errors in the emails they send to track which account holders click those images thus letting the spammers know the account in question is active. and a good target for more spam. Therefore, disabling remote images in HTML emails completely eliminates this problem.

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Use rules to choose priority emails

One of the most nifty features of Mail that almost no one uses is the ability to create your own set of rules for existing and (most importantly) incoming messages. This can be used to create a rule that sends mail that may be spam but is not filtered out by normal spam filters. Examples of these are email sent from a friend’s email address but targeting multiple users at the same time, email chains, unsolicited commercial emails (sometimes not showing recipients), etc.

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To create a rule in Mail, go to Rule tab in the Options panel and click More rules button.

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Here are two examples of them.

First move any mail I receive that doesn’t have my email address as a recipient Spam folder.

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The second moves potential commercial messages (usually starting with “noreply”) into the same folder in Mail.

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Basic precautions against spam

Of course, besides everything mentioned above, you should always take basic precautions, such as:

  • your test Garbage mail to see if any legitimate messages are marked as “not Spam”. Do this regularly and Mail will learn to organize your messages better on its own.
  • Carefully examine any unsolicited email you receive to find a template that can help you set your Mail rules more accurately.

Your go. Hope you find any (or all) of these tips helpful. Use them on Mail on your Mac and get ready to enjoy a spam-free inbox!

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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