How to Monitor App Activities & Resource Usage On Android

While working on Windows, if I want to see the CPU and memory usage of a particular application, I simply open the Processes tab in the Windows Task Manager. There, I can see how the processes running on my computer are consuming CPU and memory. I can see which of them is leading the pack when it comes to consuming RAM.

Diagnostic App for Android

Furthermore, if I want to track some additional information, I can use tools like Kiwi and Process Explorer. All of this information can be very useful at times when you want to see how installed applications are using your computer resources. Wouldn’t it be great if you could also quickly track app activities on your Android phone?

Nowadays, a high-end Android smartphone is as good as a low-end laptop and therefore you should always know how installed apps are using your device’s resources. and whether they are being abused.

Use a diagnostics app to track activity on Android

Diagnose (UPDATE: This tool is no longer available) is a very simple application for Android that monitors all background activities of the system that are normally hidden from the user. The app shows a snippet right on your screen, it stays on top of all apps, even while you’re playing a game!

Diagnostics does not require root access on the phone and can be installed on any device running on Android 2.2 or higher. After you install the app from the Play Store and launch it, you will be asked to choose one of the display styles from the drop-down menu. This is nothing but how all information will be displayed on the screen. By the way, I love Style 6. The way it shows all the information using all the screen edges makes them easier to read.

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Diagnostics for Android 9Diagnostics for Android 1

After selecting the style, press the . button Start tracking button at the top right. You will notice some small text at the edges of the screen being refreshed every few seconds. This information contains detailed information about your device’s CPU and RAM usage in real time (updated every 3 to 5 seconds by default) along with data download/upload speed, usage battery and other similar information.

Diagnostic report

You can now see all this data across all the apps you’re working on, and because the size of the text is extremely small, it doesn’t get in the way of your work. You can also monitor additional system details and save statistics in a database file for later viewing. Open app settings and select database select. Now check all the stats you want to save in the database and hit the back button.

Diagnostics for Android 3Diagnostics for Android 8

In the statistics section, you can view detailed diagnostic reports for your device. Repot contains information about your device battery, number of active apps, WiFi signal strength, download and upload speed, etc.

Diagnostics for Android 5

In the Applications tab, you can view the average CPU and RAM usage of all the applications or processes that the diagnostic tool has logged. The application is now showing the system name of the application and process. It can be a bit difficult to parse the name of the application but sometimes the application name is hidden between the system name.

Diagnostics for Android 4

To stop the monitoring, press the . button Tracking stop button on the app.


Although this application is intended to monitor system information and application activities, I use it in a slightly different way. Since the app shows battery percentage on top of all apps, I consider it important to start monitoring while playing games. My aim is to monitor my battery life without scaling the game so it doesn’t run out of battery.

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Go ahead and try the app on your Android today. Don’t forget to add to our list of ideas for how to use the app.

Categories: How to

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