115+ We’re Not Really Strangers Questions

We’re Not Really Strangers is a card game that empowers meaningful connections.

The game has 3 levels of questions and flashcards that allow you to forge relationships.

The original edition is the We’re Not Really Strangers Card Game, but there are other editions.

Other editions include the Couples Edition, XXX, Self Love Game, Self-Reflection Kit, and others.

This article contains a list of 115+ We’re Not Really Strangers questions (WNRS) and free flashcards for friends, couples, and more.

  • How to play We’re Not Really Strangers
  • We’re Not Really Strangers questions

How to play We’re Not Really Strangers

  1. Gather 2-6 players.
  2. Separate the cards into three levels: Level 1 (Perception), Level 2 (Connection), and Level 3 (Reflection).
  3. Shuffle each level deck and place them face down.
  4. Players take turns drawing a card from the current level’s deck.
  5. The player who draws the card reads it aloud and answers the question or follows the prompt.
  6. Other players may also answer the question if applicable.
  7. After a certain number of turns, move to the next level.
  8. Continue playing through all three levels.
  9. Some cards are “Wild Cards,” which involve special actions.
  10. Draw and answer the “Final Card” at the end of the game for reflection.

We’re Not Really Strangers questions

We're Not Really Strangers questions

Level 1: Perception

  1. Do you think I’ve ever been in love?
  2. What about me is most strange or unfamiliar?
  3. Do you think I’ve ever had my heart broken?
  4. What do you think I’d splurge on?
  5. What do you think my major is?
  6. What do you think I’m going to do in the future (work/employment)?
  7. What was your first impression of me?
  8. Do you think I was popular in high school?
  9. On a scale of 1 – 10, how messy do you think my car is?
  10. Do you think I like hot Cheetos?
  11. Do you think I like to read?
  12. Do you think I’m in Greek Life?
  13. Do you think I have a sibling? Older or younger?
  14. Who do you think is my favorite artist?
  15. Where do you think I grew up?
  16. What do you think my favorite Starbucks drink is?
  17. Do you think I like Taco Bell?

Level 2: Connection

  1. What’s the last thing you lied about?
  2. What is your most defining characteristic?
  3. Are you lying to yourself about anything?
  4. How are you, really?
  5. What is your least favorite personality trait in a person?
  6. When was the last time you felt lucky to be you?
  7. Which one of your parent’s personality traits do you want to keep/let go of?
  8. What would you tell your younger self and what have you learned from this lesson?
  9. What is the last thing you lied to your mom about?
  10. What’s the worst pain you’ve ever been in that wasn’t physical?
  11. What’s your father’s name and one thing about him?
  12. What’s the most unexplainable thing that has ever happened to you?
  13. What would your younger self not believe about your life today?
  14. What non-domestic animal describes you and why?
  15. What is your favorite adjective with which to be described?
  16. What are you still trying to prove to yourself?
  17. When was the last time you cried?
  18. If you could instill one personality trait in your child, what would it be?
  19. What’s the hardest part about dating you?
  20. What’s your favorite song lyric that you can think of off the top of your head?
  21. Think of someone that you admire. What made you think about them specifically?
  22. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?
  23. What’s a phrase that you say that you wish you would stop saying?
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Level 3: Reflection

  1. Based on what you learned about me, what would you recommend I read?
  2. What about me surprised you?
  3. Based on what you know about me, do you have a Netflix recommendation?
  4. What do you think my superpower is?
  5. What do you think our most important similarities are?
  6. What do you think is one thing I could do that would drastically improve my life?
  7. What would be the perfect gift for me?
  8. How would you describe me to a stranger?
  9. What do I need to hear right now?
  10. Based on what you’ve learned about me, does my social media portray me accurately?
  11. What is a lesson you will take away from our conversation?
  12. What can I help you with?
  13. What do you think I fear the most?
  14. Where am I most qualified to give advice about?
  15. What about me is the hardest for you to understand?
  16. If we were a band, what would be our name?
  17. Admit something.
  18. What parts of yourself do you see in me?
  19. How does one earn your vulnerability?
  20. Dare your partner to do something out of their comfort zone next week.
  21. What do you recommend I should let go of?
  22. What has this conversation taught you about yourself?
  23. What do you think my defining characteristic is?
  24. What question were you most afraid to answer?
  25. Why do you think we met?
  26. When this game is over, what will be something you will remember about me?
  27. What do you think my weakness is?
  28. How do our personalities complement each other?
  29. What do you think I should know about myself that perhaps I’m unaware of?
  30. What would make you feel closer to me?
  31. What do you admire most about me?
  32. In one word, describe how you feel right now.
  33. Do you believe everyone has a calling? If so, do you think I’ve found mine?
  34. What can we create together?
  35. What answer of mine made you light up?
  36. What’s the most attractive quality about me that isn’t physical?
  37. What is the worst assumption someone has made about you?
  38. What was your first impression of me?
  39. How did you get over your first love?
  40. What’s your goal for 2020 and why?
  41. Are you lying to yourself about anything?
  42. What’s your favorite part of yourself that isn’t something physical?
  43. What is something you’ve learned about yourself this week?
  44. What belief about yourself no longer serves you?
  45. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  46. Who do I remind you of?
  47. Admit something.
  48. How do you know you’re in love?
  49. How do you know you’re afraid of something?
  50. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  51. Why is it so difficult for us to be vulnerable?
  52. Who in your life do you feel you can be most vulnerable with?
  53. Is there anyone who’s changed your life but doesn’t know it?
  54. Is there a certain feeling that you miss?
  55. When was the last time you used your pain to help someone else?
  56. When was the last time you felt the most yourself?
  57. Are you proud of who you have become?
  58. Are you the person you thought you would become? Why or why not?
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  1. Based on what you learned, re-write each other’s dating app bios. (30 sec)
  2. Draw a picture together (30 sec)
  3. Look into each other’s eyes for 30 seconds. What did you notice?
  4. Write a message to each other and give it to each other. Open it once you have left.
  5. Think of your favorite childhood TV show of all time, on the count of three say it out loud (both players).
  6. Take a selfie together.
  7. Staring contest. The first person to blink must reveal a personal problem and ask the other for advice on how they might handle it.
  8. Create your own question. Anything. Make it count.
  9. Tell the other person to close their eyes and to keep them closed. (Wait 10 seconds. Describe to them in detail your favorite memory of them/two of you).
  10. Tell the other person to close their eyes and to keep them closed. (Wait 15 seconds and kiss them).
  11. Press shuffle on your music library. Explain the first song that comes up!
  12. Let go of your attachment to the outcome.
  13. Both players share something you’re most grateful for in this current moment.
  14. Draw your current feelings, then compare.
  15. Show the first photo in your camera roll. Explain.
  16. Think of something that you dislike that most people don’t. On the count of 3, say it out loud.
  17. Share a favorite memory of yours. Compare. (Both)
  18. Sing your favorite song lyrics you can think of off the top of your head. (Both)
  19. How can I add 1% more happiness to your life?

Further reading

List of Mad Island Cheats and Commands

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Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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